For orders, read legal disclaimer then give me a ring at 865-776-6087
Normal Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
4 P.M. to 8 P.M. Eastern Time
Saturday 12 P.M. to 8 P.M.
Sunday - Closed
If no answer, leave a message with contact information and I will return your call A.S.A.P.
You may also Email your order, do not include card numbers. I will call you for that information
and the payment total of your order.
Thank You!
Kyle Pittman
Personal check, money order and debit / credit cards accepted. Card orders will be charged an additional 3.5% of the order's total for processing. Item Prices do not include
shipping costs or sales tax, except where indicated. Please do not send cash, too risky in todays world.
Sales tax must be collected on shipments to Tennessee and where required by law.
Products will be shipped USPS Prioity Mail with tracking numbers to keep shipping costs low for my customers. I ship every day the post office is open, often multiple times in one day.
Every effort will be made to get your order out the next business day. Shipping may be delayed by one day during high volume times. I appreciate your understanding. The rush has started, buy early
***Overnight, 2 Day or 3rd Day shipping will be by UPS only. Shipping chrges will be quoted at the time of the order on a case by case basis. Please be advised that
Next Day shipping is not available to all locations / zip codes. ***